
Clinics in Turkey and the Czech Republic

Your link to plastic surgery abroad. We pride ourselves on building a bridge between patients and clinics. Our goal is to give you access to customised options. With us, your wishes and needs take centre stage

On the following pages you will find information about the clinics. We will introduce you to our latest clinic facilities so that you can make informed decisions. You have the opportunity to get an idea of the clinics that await you in the world of plastic surgery abroad. .

Discover how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey.

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Impression of the clinics

Schönheitsklinik Istanbul
Zertifikate HNO Oguzhan


Gastric balloon,
Penis enlargement,
And thickening,


Hair transplantation,
Eyelid lift,
Nose and ear correction,
Dental treatment,
Cheek treatment,
Face lift


Reduction in size,
Implant change

The newest clinic: Wellnose Clinic Istanbul

We are pleased to introduce you to the newest clinic - Wellnose Clinic Istanbul under the direction of Dr Oguzhan. Dr Oguzhan is a surgeon from Turkey whose treatment spectrum covers various areas of plastic surgery.

At the Wellnose Clinic, we focus on two key aspects of plastic surgery: nasal aesthetics and functional rhinoplasty.

It gives us great pleasure to welcome Dr Oguzhan and Wellnose Clinic Istanbul as part of our network. We are sure that they will be a valuable addition to our selection of clinics.

Various operations in all clinics

A wide variety of operations are offered in the clinics with which we co-operate. Here is a brief overview of the operations on offer.

Hair transplantation

Upper & lower eyelid lift


Gastric balloon

Further treatments

Procedure in 3 steps

By filling in the contact form, you are taking the first step towards a more self-confident you.

We'll get back to you with the right offers and will be happy to answer any questions you may have! Now is the time to choose the right offer for you!

Thanks to your personalised all-inclusive offer, you don't have to worry about a thing and can relax and enjoy your trip.

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