Aesthetic procedures in the Czech Republic

Together we will find a suitable clinic for you

Welcome to the Czech Republic - your insider tip when it comes to plastic surgery.
The Czech Republic has become a prestigious destination for aesthetic procedures within Europe. On this page we would like to take you on a journey and introduce you to the possibilities. The Czech clinics have experienced teams of specialised doctors and offer you high-quality procedures to change your appearance. Experience the perfect combination of plastic surgery and a fantastic city break. Let your wish for a new look become reality.

What do we look for in clinics

1. cleanliness

Each clinic is personally visited & inspected by us to ensure the highest standards of cleanliness. Your well-being and satisfaction are our top priority.

2. state-of-the-art technology

All clinics are modernly equipped, offer you new technologies and ensure maximum comfort during your aesthetic journey.

3. friendliness

A warm and friendly team awaits you at the local clinics to look after your needs. The German-speaking staff will be at your disposal throughout your stay. Your satisfaction is our top priority.



Gastric balloon,
Penis enlargement,
And thickening,


Hair transplantation,
Eyelid lift,
Nose and ear correction,
Dental treatment,
Cheek treatment,
Face lift


Reduction in size,
Implant change


Gastric balloon,
Penis enlargement,
And thickening,


Hair transplantation,
Eyelid lift,
Nose and ear correction,
Dental treatment,
Cheek treatment,
Face lift


Reduction in size,
Implant change


Complete package

Including hotel and a great experience. We take care of everything, all you have to do is turn up for your appointment.


We always visit and check the clinics ourselves before we include them in our portfolio.

Excellent service

My Beauty Surgery offers you a first-class service, as an owner-managed company, our managers are also committed to an unrivalled customer experience.

German-speaking staff on site

We are a German placement agency, so you will be looked after by a German contact person when you first contact us, as well as in the clinic.


Why an operation in the Czech Republic?

Schönheitsklinik in Prag
The Czech Republic and especially Prague have so much to offer, it's a city you have to see! You think so too? Great, then combine your stay with a short holiday!
Prague is known for much more than just aesthetic interventions, the city of a hundred towers has been recognised as one of the most beautiful cities since the Middle Ages!
Experience the beauty of Prague, get in touch if you need tips for your stay!
Further treatments

Procedure in 3 steps

By filling in the contact form, you are taking the first step towards a more self-confident you.

We'll get back to you with the right offers and will be happy to answer any questions you may have! Now is the time to choose the right offer for you!


We will now make the final preparations for your big day. We will finalise the planning and in the next step you will find out what the process will look like on site.

The process on site

Everything is already planned for your stay in Prague and you are expected by both the clinic and the hotel.

The entire stay is timetabled; after your accommodation in the hotel, you will go to the preliminary examination. Then it's time for your big day.

All support is provided by a German-speaking member of staff and you will be back home within a few days.

Cost of an operation

The cost of various medical services can depend on many different factors. In our offer, you will always receive a cost estimate based on the information you provide us with. However, the final price may change on site. This can happen, for example, if the desired result requires a combination of different treatments. We will obtain quotes from various clinics for you.
To give you an initial overview, we provide you with our price list. This list provides a transparent presentation of the prices for various services and operations.
We always endeavour to present fair and competitive prices to give you a choice that suits your financial means. We also offer you the option of secure financing.

Our aim is to provide you with as much information as possible so that you can make the best decision for you. We are always ready to answer your questions and respond to your individual wishes and needs.

To the price list

Why you can count on My Beauty Surgery!

Expertise and experience

At My Beauty Surgery, we have experience in organising cosmetic surgery abroad and are familiar with the local conditions.

Cost savings

We can negotiate better prices for operations, accommodation and travel arrangements, which can lead to significant savings.

Time saving

We take care of the time-consuming planning and organisation so that you can concentrate on your recovery.


As a placement agency, we can provide information on medical care abroad so that you are well looked after.


We help with the language barrier and ensure smooth communication between you and the medical professionals.

Travel planning

We take care of the scheduling and make all the arrangements with the clinic, as well as booking your accommodation and transport from the airport to the hotel and back to the clinic.

Photos of the clinics


How much does an operation cost in the Czech Republic?

Prices vary from treatment to treatment. An operation in the Czech Republic is generally inexpensive, for more detailed price information, please consult our Price list view.

Is liposuction in the Czech Republic a good option?

In recent years, the Czech Republic has become a hotspot for plastic surgery in Europe. The clinics are currently in the process of advertising and offering their treatments worldwide, bringing together people from many different countries.

What treatments do you offer?

All treatments that can be found on our website are also offered by us. You are welcome to make an overview of all treatments. KClick here.

What do I need to take care of for an operation in Turkey?

Thanks to our all-inclusive service, you don't have to worry about a thing. We take care of your flight, your hotel reservation and if you like you can contact us for tips during your stay. All you have to do is turn up for your appointment, send us an enquiry now. non-binding enquiry.

Are the clinics audited?

We check the clinics for cleanliness, hospitality and technology. As we visit each clinic ourselves and form our own opinion, we can confirm the technical qualification. Cleanliness and hospitality are also guaranteed in all clinics, we received a very warm welcome and felt very comfortable. You are welcome to here learn more about the clinics.

What is the advantage of My Beauty Surgery?

As an intermediary, we can provide you with great support with all the arrangements. Thanks to our expertise & experience, it is possible to make considerable cost savings for you in terms of the operation, accommodation and travel arrangements. We help you with the language barrier and ensure smooth communication.

We also take care of all the travel planning for you, which means you don't have to worry about a thing and you can enjoy your operation to a more confident you.

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