General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

In the following we would like to present our general terms and conditions. These
Terms and conditions govern the contractual relationship between My Beauty Surgery GmbH for the website and the person (=customer/patient) who is requesting a medical service from a
third party (=medical service provider/doctor/clinic).
1) The company My Beauty Surgery GmbH is exclusively the intermediary of a contractual relationship between
the individual and the requested medical provider and is not liable for their medical
Services. The contract for the desired medical service is concluded exclusively between the
person and the respective medical service provider. The information provided by My Beauty Surgery GmbH for
The information provided is based on information provided by the medical profession.
service providers and do not replace the personal counselling interview before
location with the respective desired medical service provider.
2) The use of our website is based on these GTC. The
Posting enquiries is basically free of charge and non-binding for interested parties. You can use the
to use the contact form provided to send your enquiry. With the sending of the
form does not create an obligation to order.
3) The company My Beauty Surgery GmbH is exclusively an intermediary of a contractual relationship between
the person and the desired medical provider. Any benefits are to be paid by the
medical service providers.
4) With the sending of the online order, after the acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Business
(GTC), the person makes a binding commitment to conclude a brokerage contract, which
is concluded with the confirmation by the company My Beauty Surgery GmbH.
5) The person secures with sending the binding order / confirmation of the operation date
his/her age of majority and fitness for surgery (for example: persons with HIV, MS, hepatitis,
chronic inflammatory autoimmune diseases, viral infections, high blood pressure) can unfortunately not be
be treated. Should the person suspect that an operation is not possible for health reasons
If it is not possible, the person must undergo a surgical fitness examination with his/her surgeon.
The patient must have a general practitioner carry out a check-up before a binding commitment to conclude a contract is given.
placement order is given. The examination regarding fitness for surgery should
take place no longer than two weeks before the desired surgery date. The medical
However, service providers decide freely, on their own responsibility and independently whether a treatment contract is
completed and the desired operation is performed.
6) My Beauty Surgery GmbH does not represent the medical service provider in legal transactions vis-à-vis
of the person. The contract for the medical service comes into effect directly and exclusively on the basis of
a separate, written treatment contract between the person and the medical provider.
service provider at the place of treatment. The medical service provider is responsible for the provision of its
medical services alone and is therefore also solely liable for these services.
7) The company My Beauty Surgery GmbH organises the appointments for the treatment consultation and the
desired operation with the medical provider, as well as the accommodation of the person on site.
The agent is not obliged to inform the customer about entry and visa regulations.
Otherwise, there is only a corresponding duty of clarification or information if in the
special circumstances known or recognisable to the intermediary an explicit reference
and the relevant information is not already contained in the documents provided to the customer.
are contained in these offer documents. My Beauty Surgery GmbH shall, upon dispatch of the
online order by the person. My Beauty Surgery GmbH informs the person of the appointments for the
consultation and the desired operation, the cost breakdown, the travel information and the
Reservation for hotel or guesthouse in writing (by post) or electronically (by e-mail). Furthermore
In the appointment confirmation, on behalf of the medical provider, the surgery down payment is
settled approx. 20% (twenty) of the expected operation costs), which will be paid within 14 days after the
Confirmation of appointment (If the operation is to take place before this date, payment must be made earlier).
) is to be paid to My Beauty Surgery GmbH. Please note that we only accept payments
from accounts within the European Union (EU). Any costs of a money transaction
are to be borne by the person. You agree that you may send invoices and credit notes to the
received exclusively in electronic form.
Without express agreement, the company My Beauty Surgery GmbH is not obliged to provide the respective
identify and/or offer the most favourable provider of the requested medical service.
8) The other costs of the operation, for example for hospitalisation, other additional
Medical services and surcharges for medical materials, which are charged at the medical
The decision to use compression garments, a support bra or a laboratory test will be made during the treatment consultation.
(blood count, ECG, etc.), the person pays cash or by credit card (in euros) on site, after completing the

treatment contract to the medical provider. Likewise, the costs of accommodation
to be paid directly to the accommodation provider.
9) The person has the right to cancel a confirmed appointment at any time. Any cancellation shall have
in writing (by post) or in electronic form (e-mail). In the event of non-compliance with agreed
and confirmed dates, a cancellation fee in the amount of the deposit will be charged. The
Cancellation fee is to be paid by the person to My Beauty Surgery GmbH.
In the event of cancellation due to an unexcused absence, the payment already made or any outstanding
Repayment claims are offset against the respective fees. Remaining credit will be
refunded, and any difference amounts shall be claimed subsequently. The above regulations apply accordingly to
Cancellation costs (compensation for withdrawal) and other legally or contractually justified
claims of the mediated service provider.
If, after medical advice from the healthcare provider, the person decides against the
medical service requested, the cancellation fee shall be reduced to an amount payable to My Beauty.
Surgery GmbH to be paid a reduced partial administration fee of € 50.00 (fifty) inclusive.
VAT, which is offset against the operations down payment. Any remaining credit balance is
less any examination costs (unless paid by the person directly on site).
refunded to the person without delay.
If the desired medical treatment is refused by the medical provider without the
If the customer is responsible for this, no cancellation costs will be incurred. The deposit paid will be refunded less
any inspection costs (unless paid by the customer directly on site) without delay to
reimbursed to the customer. Any claims, such as travel expenses or loss of earnings, shall be
are not provided by My Beauty Surgery GmbH or the medical service provider.
taken over.
10) A claim for treatment exists before the conclusion of the written treatment contract with the
medical service provider. Furthermore, there is also no claim of the person against the
medical service provider or the company My Beauty Surgery GmbH, if the medical
service provider, for whatever reason, refuses to enter into a treatment contract.
An exception to this is any refund of the operation down payment made in accordance with the
Cancellation provisions of these terms and conditions.
11) After transferring the deposit, the person has the right to make a one-time payment up to seven days before the
confirmed treatment date in writing (by post) or electronically (by e-mail) a rescheduling of the
treatment date. The postponement fee for postponement requests up to 21
days before the original surgery date € 60,00 (sixty) including VAT, thereafter €
120.00 (one hundred and ten) including VAT. In addition, the person must, within three
months after the request for postponement, agree on an alternative date, which shall be within a
period of six months after the postponement request. Otherwise the
postponement as a cancellation. If, within three months of the postponement request, a
If no alternative date can be arranged, My Beauty Surgery GmbH will determine the date with a lead time of
a binding alternative appointment for at least 8 (eight) weeks. This appointment cannot be changed by the person
can no longer be postponed, but only cancelled.
12) Corona special regulation: postponement at short notice due to Corona:
 1. The patient has the option of canceling the 1st agreed surgery appointment within 4 weeks to the
agreed surgery date for a handling fee of € 100, provided that the
Entry due to a legal Corona sanction (entry ban etc) or imposed
Quarantine due to a Corona disease at the time of surgery is not expected
is possible. The new surgery date can also be coordinated at a later date, but must be
the new surgery date at the latest within 6 months after the date of postponement
be coordinated. If the patient does not arrange an alternative appointment by the specified deadline
If the patient fails to pay within the agreed period, the full deposit will automatically be refunded.
will be charged as a cancellation fee.

- 2. any further rescheduling will automatically be charged as a full cancellation.
Separate exemption regulations in addition to the above regulations for appointment cancellations due to
possible or future corona provisions/restrictions etc. are excluded, provided that the
The date of the appointment has been agreed after 01.04.2020, as from this date the general
The risk of Corona-related limitations was already well known and widespread.

13) My Beauty Surgery is not liable for travel and accommodation in the clinic, hotel or guesthouse.
GmbH are excluded, as these contracts are exclusively between the customer and the intermediary.
organisers come about.
Final provisions
14) This contract and the entire legal relationship between the parties shall be governed by the law of the
Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
15) The company My Beauty Surgery GmbH is deemed to be authorised by the medical service provider,
Notifications of defects as well as other declarations by the person regarding the service provided by third parties
to receive. The company My Beauty Surgery GmbH will provide the medical service provider
immediately of any such declarations by the person. The company My Beauty Surgery GmbH
recommends, in order to avoid loss of time despite immediate forwarding, that appropriate
Declarations directly to the medical provider or the contact point of the
medical service provider to explain.
16) In the event of a defect in performance, the person may without prejudice to the reduction of the agreed
price (reduction) or the termination of the contract, unless the defect in performance is
is the fault of a third party who is neither the provider of the service nor is involved in the provision of the service.
is otherwise involved in the provision of the services covered by the contract and is responsible for My
Beauty Surgery GmbH was not foreseeable or unavoidable or was caused by unavoidable, extra-
was caused by ordinary circumstances.
17) The invalidity of individual provisions of the contract shall not affect the invalidity of the entire contract.
contract as a consequence. The same applies to these booking conditions.
Information about your right of objection according to § 355 BGB (German Civil Code)
You can cancel your contract within 14 days without giving reasons in writing (e.g. letter, fax, e-mail),
e-mail). The period begins after receipt of this instruction in text form, but not before conclusion of the contract.
and also not before we have fulfilled our information obligations pursuant to Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 para. 1 and
2 EGBGB (Introductory Act to the German Civil Code) as well as our obligations pursuant to Section 312g (1) Sentence 1 BGB in conjunction with Article 246 Section 3 EGBGB. To
The timely dispatch of the revocation suffices to comply with the revocation period.
The revocation is to be addressed to:
My Beauty Surgery GmbH
Rosenstrasse 17
D - 85399 Hallbergmoos
Please use the following form for the revocation.
Sample cancellation form
(If you want to cancel the contract, please fill in this form and send it back to us).
- To: My Beauty Surgery GmbH, Rosenstrasse 17, 85399 Hallbergmoos, Germany
- I/we (*) hereby cancel the surgery date agreed by me/us (*): - On (surgery date),
- At (name of the doctor)
- Name of the consumer(s)
- Address of the consumer(s)
- Signature of the consumer(s) (only in the case of notification on paper)
- Date
(*) Delete as applicable

Consequences of revocation
Consequences of revocation
If you cancel this contract, we will have to pay you all the payments that we have received from you, including the
Delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the fact that you have chosen a different type of
delivery than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and at the latest by

within fourteen days from the day on which the notification of your revocation of this contract was sent to you.
has been received by us. For this repayment, we use the same means of payment that you used for the
original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; in
You will not be charged any fees for this repayment.
Did you request that the service begin during the withdrawal period when you sent the online order?
you shall pay us a reasonable amount corresponding to the share of the costs incurred by us up to the time you have
of the exercise of the right of withdrawal with regard to this contract, already provided
services compared to the total scope of services provided for in the contract.
These revocation instructions, the model revocation form and the general terms and conditions will be sent to you permanently by means of our
confirmation email, so that the time limit begins with the receipt of our confirmation email - corresponds to the
contract is concluded - begins to run.

Special notes
Your right of withdrawal expires prematurely if the contract is terminated by both parties at your express request.
has been completely fulfilled before you have exercised your right of withdrawal.

Data protection
The personal data that you provide to us
are processed and used electronically insofar as they are required for the execution of the contract.
are required. All your personal data will be processed in accordance with German and European law.
data protection law. You will find further information on the handling of your data in our
Privacy policy at: XXXXXXX

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